Creating inner change and a happier life
Tools that help change mindset, increase awareness, improve emotional and mental health and create a desired life - manifest
Tyku - a mindset change and self-development app
Download Tyku to your phone. Try for free.
What are the benefits of Tyku app?
Audio Library: Affirmations, Meditations, Courses, Podcasts and more.
✓ Changing the mindset and transforming beliefs.
✓ Increasing awareness and manifesting.
✓ Gaining new perspectives.
✓ Returning to oneself and inner peace.
✓ Enabling and supporting change and growth.
Voice Recording: Empower Your Word
✓ Re-programming subconscious, manifesting and supporting yourself with our own voice recordings (affirmations etc.).
✓ Capturing insights and using them as reminders.
✓ Supporting others with your voice recordings.
✓ Adding text information to voice recordings.
Organize and Share: Build the Support System You Need
✓ Organizing public and private recordings and albums by creating your own album catalog.
✓ Sharing with others public and/or your private recordings and albums, providing support and inspiration to others.
✓ Organizing recordings that are sent to you by others (e.g. from coaches, friends etc.) and using them for your own inner growth and support.

Build the life you want
Audio recordings and tools that can change your mindset and inner state and enable you to consciously create the life that you want.
Download Tyku app to your phone:
What Tyku users say
Recordings on the website (in LT only)

Afirmacija "Pasveikimas. Aš esu sveika"
Fizinio kūno gijimą programuojantys teiginiai, kalbos kodai, dėkingumas

Meditacija: Noro išsipildymas
• Noro įsivardijimas ir išpildymo paprašymas
• Perėjimas į būseną, kuomet noras išsipildo
• Perėjimas į žinojimą, jog noras išsipildo
• Dėkingumas

Audio įrašas
Paleidimas: įžvalgos ir paleidimo meditacija
• Įžvalgos ir perspektyvos apie tai, kodėl verta paleisti kitą žmogų ir kaip tai padaryti
• Paleidimo meditacija su vizualizacija

Audio įrašas
Psichosomatika: Kaip suprasti, ką kūnas kalba? Kaip padėti sau pagyti?
• Psichosomatika: fizinio ir emocinio kūnų ryšys
• Giluminių priežasčių atradimas ir transformacija / vidinis gijimas
• Pavyzdžiai